Monday, October 30, 2006

Opps- I missed something!

I missed the articles out. Not a smart move by all accounts. Great website but no content so I took it down quick before Google dumped on me. I'll have to go back to the Adsense videos again. I'm sure Joel and Eric mentioned it in there somewhere. Anyway I was excited for a short while but I'll have another go tomorrow.

Joel sent me (and several thousand others no doubt) an email today. Apparently he's puzzled.I read the email and then I actually replied to it. I told him what I had been upto and the difficulties I faced at the moment. Whether he'll ever get to read it - I don't know. Just maybe....

I also went through the inbox today and started removing myself from mailing lists. It's called an information overload. All the 'Gurus' sending me emails about how their way of doing business is best. One guy offered a short email course on his 'way' and then almost daily thereafter an email offering to part me with my money for this that and the other.

Hopefully it works for them, but me, I can't get my head round it all. I'd rather be reasonably successful at one thing than totally rubbish at lots of things. So if it's all the same guys, I'm sticking with Joel Comm and Adsense.

Ok, it's time for bed have to be at work in 4.5 hours. I hate that job.

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