Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sunshine after the rain

Not a bad day considering I didn't get much done. This afternoon (GMT) I went for an interview at a IT training center and got accepted for training. In a nutshell this means I should be able to fix my own computer when the damn thing crashes. :-)

To my family this means that I will end up with MCSA, MCSE and a IT Security qualification. It also means that I will be in a position where I can get a much better job and leave that WHSh*t newpaper job. The very tiny downside is that It will take best part of 8 months to complete my training and I'll have to keep the night job in the meantime. Given the good news I didn't mind too much about getting lost on the way home and sitting in traffic in the pouring rain for nearly 2 hours.

On the Adsense front I did manage to play around with the traffic estimator and this has given me a good indication of where I'm heading.

More tomorrow.

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