Thursday, November 09, 2006

Really Unbelieveable

The amount of Adsense work I've managed to achieve since the last post is absolutly amazing. SOD ALL. She's had me doing decorating the spare room for a friend who's comming to stay. The car failed it's MOT so I've had to get that repaired. There has been visits to the school to discuss progress of all the children. Shopping and more shopping. several trips made because the shop messed up my prescription for my glasses. Loads of trips to collect Ebay goods from local area. (She lives on Ebay).

The purpose of this blog was to try and keep some sort of journal on my progress to an Adsense empire from a standing start. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever get any work done, as today I'm supposed to start the home work section of that IT training course I've been accepted on. I've had that a week and got nowhere. Better go before she gets back.

JenSense - Making Sense of Contextual Advertising